Inside the Studio: DJ/Producer Cynthia Laclé Opens Up About Her Inspirations and Creative Process for ‘System Is Broken’

Today, we have the pleasure of speaking with DJ and producer Cynthia Laclé about her latest track, “System Is Broken.” Cynthia’s music is known for its high-energy, emotive soundscapes, and “System Is Broken” is no exception. In this interview, Cynthia shares insights into her creative process, inspirations, and the journey that led to the creation of this captivating new track.
Let’s dive in and learn more about the story behind “System Is Broken” and Cynthia’s unique approach to music production.
Hello Cynthia Laclé, how are you?
Hiiii, I’mm actually doing great in the moment, thank you. How are you?
All good, thanks! To start, can you tell us about the production process of this new track?
Sure, I drive to the studio and I usually have music standing on continually and I hear some sounds that inspire me. Make a new project and start working on the new track. And also my mood, you can definitely hear different vibes in my tracks. I have been through a rough year and that also inspires me in my tracks. It’s a perfect way to express yourself.
Did you have any specific inspirations or goals in mind when you set out to produce ‘System Is Broken’?
No not specific, but all that I am going through inspires to make certain tracks. It’s my way to deal with life. I usually have a specific feeling that I would like to project in a production. During the proces of making a track it could obvious change though. But I guess thats what’s inspire me the most I think. Just putting all of my emotions out in my music. Of course, the new trends in the current music industry or several artists inspire me. During this process I am developing more as an artist. In this process I’m trying to find my own sound, but that’s the hard part for me.
Your release catalogue is already detailed with several impressive productions; how would you say this new track stands out?
This track is definitely special for me. It’s the start of my new quality and a new sound I would say. I have grown so much. I think a lot of artists who are developing in their production have gone through this process, when you hear your first track and then what you are producing now. How much you grow in a period of time is crazy but so satisfying! So funny, but in that moment you’re totally happy with your production. After a while when you develop more your production skills and hear the track, you’re like ‘omg, that’s bad’ hahahaha. ‘System’ is special for me because its’ personal, it’s really a production that pushed me to reach a new level.
Which elements of ‘System Is Broken’ would you say are most important to creating the overall sound and energy of the track?
I would say the screech sounds, it really gives the track that high energy in a positive way. High level of hope. To be able to express yourself, but at the same time you also have the deep bass sounds that gives it a bit of a darker vibe. The kick is always the most important sound that sets the first energy level of a track. It’s really about setting the type of mood that I am in at that moment.
The growling bassline and intense beat create the hypnotising energy throughout ‘System Is Broken’. Can you tell us about how you created these elements? What was the process like?
Every track that I produce is made with a feeling. I cannot produce a track without any feeling. I go through too much in life that music reflects what I am going through at that moment. ‘System’ for me, is a track that was created at a certain point in my life where I slowly got more hope in life. Music really is a life changing process for me. I can literately put everything in my production.
‘System’ is a track where I go offline. It takes me to a different dimension where you can just let it all go. ‘System’ is actually a track that was finished fast. I was going through sounds and immediately, I heard curtain sounds that I wanted to use for this track. The screech sounds, and the bassline.
I actually started to build this track with the drop first and worked around it. Normally, there is a different start how to build your track, but I believe that is also so different for me. Sometimes, I start with the break, but with ‘System’ I started with the drop first.
Did you experiment or incorporate any new techniques or effects during the production process of ‘System Is Broken’?
Always, with every track there is a new challenge. Always looking for the maximum capacity to get out of a track, therefore, new technics are being explored and tested. With ‘System’ I tried a different way of compression. New EQ settings. Also with the new tracks there is a new mastering with really makes me so happy. This mastering is a next level quality, here the track sounds super clean and remains the punch and pressure on almost every device.
The track features high-octane synth lines intricately woven together to create an intense-sounding soundscape. How did you approach the melodic aspects of the track? Do you have any go-to techniques for creating such mighty sound within your productions?
No not really. How to describe a creative vibe though? It’s sitting in the studio when you have a good feeling to produce. You can feel the creativity coming up. I start up Serum synthesizer and start going through the bank. And just play. When you hear a sound that is right, you just know. However that process takes time though. You’re going through so many sounds, and at some point you hear it, get super hyped and it all just flows.
What is your favourite part of the production process? Is there an aspect that you enjoy the least?
My favourite part to produce is the drop. I love to make high energy drops. With a massive kick and also a big bass. What is most of the time my problem. I always want something that is technically impossible! What I like less is the really hard process of mastering and mixing. The frequencies and aligning every sound. Making it a dynamic track and making sure that the right sound stands in the right position in the track. Some sounds are more in the front, some more in the back. Some need to be compressed more. With all the right settings placed you still want your track to be at a certain vibe. So when it’s technically right you need to adjust again because it sounds different again. That process takes so much time. But it pushes you to becoming a better artist, because you want to set a certain standard in the track.
Can you share what you have planned next? Do you have any more upcoming releases or live shows?
There will be epic releases this year. The productions that are coming out are insane. It’s really next level me and I have worked hard for this. I am being respected by bigger names and coming on bigger radars at this point. Amazing festivals are also coming up, but that I cannot tell yet 😉
I’ll keep you all posted!
We thank Cynthia for her time speaking with us and sharing an insider’s view into her production process, inspirations and her journey as a Producer that keeps growing and developing new skills that hone her signature sound and style. We wish her success with ther upcoming releases and live shows, make sure to follow her across social media to learn more about her new productions and live performances.
Listen and Buy ‘System Is Broken’ Now
Cynthia Laclé Online